
Does Your Body Type Really Matter? What do they mean?


There are so many names thrown around that are used to describe the female body, from comparisons to fruits, being pear or apple-shaped, having a peach booty or an hourglass figure, and the list goes on.

So, what are the ins and outs of somatotyping, and could it be just the secret we need to unlock our full potential by eating and training a certain way?

The Somatotypes Theory

Somatotyping aims to categorise the human physique as combinations of 3 fundamental elements - 'ectomorphic', 'mesomorphic' and 'endomorphic' below are the physical traits of the three basic somatotypes as follows:


·         Petite frame and bone structure

·         Narrow shoulders

·         Small chest

·         Naturally lean

·         Fast metabolism

·         Difficulty building muscle


·         Medium frame

·         Athletic build

·         Prominent muscle definition 

·         Natural strength

·         Tendency for building muscle easily


·         Larger bone structure

·         Minimal natural muscle definition

·         Higher body fat % and harder time losing it

·         Slower metabolism

Even within the original system, it’s acknowledged that trying to describe an individual by a single somatotype would be an generalisation in most cases. Instead, you should consider each individual a combination of the above, with some traits being more dominant than others.

Should you eat and train for your somatotype?

One of the main reasons somatotyping lives on in the fitness world is because it’s often speculated that one can tailor their nutrition and training to their natural somatotype and achieve superior results. It’s not rare to come across statements along the lines of “mesomorphs respond quickly to weight training”, or “endomorphs should eat low carbs to lose weight”.

But is there any scientific merit to such claims? Unfortunately, the answer is not really.

Interestingly, in its original form, the theory was largely aiming to predict human temperament by assessing someone’s body type - very little to do with fitness and dieting! This approach has been quickly identified as a hoax and rejected by the scientific community many years ago.

As such, somatotypes provide very little insight into how an individual will respond to a certain training and nutrition protocol. We simply cannot determine that just by assessing someone’s baseline appearance.

For Instance, while body composition plays a large part in determining nutritional requirements, adhering to a certain diet or macronutrient split shouldn’t rely solely on the body type classification.

If not somatotypes, then what?

If your somatotype doesn’t determine your ideal lifestyle, then what does?

Don't get me wrong - it can be fun to explore different somatotypes and where you may fall between them. But the truth is, instead of giving too much power to any single factor - being that body type, family history, or someone else’s progress - it’s important to acknowledge that what’s best for you at any given time, depends on many factors, such as:

·         Current body composition

·         Activity levels

·         Preferred training styles

·         Nutritional needs, including any special requirements

·         General health

·         Goals you are looking to achieve

·         And so much more!

And as these factors may change over time, so can your approach to training and nutrition. For example, completely different strategies can be applied if you’re looking to improve your strength or change your body composition, and neither of those goals are “right” or “wrong” just because you match a certain somatotype.

So don’t over think how your body looks, your body fluctuates and grows each day! If you really wanted to change it (for the better) you can. Please remember that you cannot compare yourself if you come under the Mesomorph category to someone who has a Ectomorph body shape. If they have long limbs and a tiny waist, but you are athletic and carry more muscle – OWN it. That is your genetic makeup. You have other abilities someone else does not.

No one is you and that is your power!

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