
Easy Protein / Truffle Balls - Round 2


So, we are back with yet another quick, healthy and easy snack since we are yet gain - back in a lockdown here in the UK! I know that many people are struggling to get back in to the swing of things especially over Christmas and New Year. So rather than reaching for the chocolate or sweet tub I wanted to share another recipe for you all that is filled with natural sugars, filled with protein and will hit that sweet spot we all crave now and again.

So as you can see from the pictures they do look slightly different - but the recipe is pretty much the same. It is only the coating that really differs. 

These are also a great snack to get your children involved with in the making process.

The only difference with the ingredients is that i added in 1 frozen banana to the coconut ones. 1. Because i wanted to use it up and 2. Who doesn't want to imagine they somewhere tropical with the coconut, chocolate and banana blended together? 


1/2 cup Raw Almonds & Cashews (natural)

1/2 cup Sunflower & Pumpkin Seeds (raw)

1/4 tsp Salt

1 tsp Vanilla Extract

1 tsp Maca Powder (optional) I also used MyVegan Protein Powder in chocolate in one batch

1/4 cup Cacao Powder

1 cup Dates (pitted)

3 tbsp Water

1/4 cup Cacao Nibs (optional)

*Shredded unsweetened coconut and cacao powder left for the topping at the end


1. In a food processor, grind up the nuts until finely ground 

2. Pulse in cacao, vanilla extract, maca and salt

3. Add the chopped dates and water until all the ingredients are blended nicely into a dough mixture. If the mixture is too much like a sand texture gradually add water and blend again if necessary. Then add in cacao nibs. 

*Add banana if you choose too - be aware you may not need to add the extra water if it is frozen. 

4. Roll into balls (you choose the size)

5. Then roll into the coconut and cacao powder 

6. Place into the freezer in a container and freeze for at least 30 minutes. You can leave them in the freezer (last longer) or once they are frozen, keep them in the fridge to keep fresh. 

Let me know if you do try them, or come up with any other amazing flavors that work together by tagging me into them on your feed or stories @inyourstridefitness

Enjoy! x

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