
What exactly is a Health Coach?

A good question, and one that is difficult to definitively answer, such is the variety of definitions and titles bouncing around in the wellness vocabulary. An umbrella term that can refer to life coaches, holistic coaches or health coaches, all different ones offer different expertise. From looking at diet, fitness, energy levels and exercise routine to assessing mental health and general lifestyle, a wellness coach helps a client to address imbalances in their life and set out clear goals for their future.

I support clients step-by-step to implement and sustain lifestyle and behavior changes that contribute to achieving their personal health and lifestyle goals. And all at a pace that is comfortable for them.

Many of my clients are busy and stressed and need clarity and help with their direction in life (stuck in a rut). Some have come to me complaining of lack of direction, low self-esteem, and a certain inner conflict. Those that feel planless sometimes need a helping hand to choose a path that works for them and could well benefit from the guidance of a wellness coach. I would help you get “unstuck” by helping you figure out what’s keeping you from reaching your health goals.

My aim is to help you create goals by looking at what stage of change, you’re in and what action you’re ready to take. Its about self-discovery. I will guide you in putting the pieces together for yourself. You will be able to figure out how to make the changes that work for your life.

Through fostering a positive mind-set around health and well-being, wellness coaches empower and motivate clients to become their own experts.

Your will have 8-10 sessions checks in with you by email, phone calls or in-person meetings, usually over the course of at least three months. During those conversations, I would ask questions to get you thinking about how you can overcome challenges. It isn’t about someone telling you what to do.

I act as someone who will respecting your terms and your reasons for wanting – or not wanting to change. Change is often difficult, even when it’s something we really want. Sometimes it even feels downright impossible.

Would you be interested? enquiries.iysfitness@gmail.com

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